Every clinic experiences the dilemma of what does value actually mean for the patient.
What does a patient want when they enter a dental clinic?
Broadly speaking value represents the weight your social reputation, infrastructural reputation, the professionalism of your welcome team and the communication skills which includes your complete consultation. All these basically give the patient an idea about the value creation in his/her eyes.
Many a times his want outsells everything else. We all can gradually learn to inculcate these skills with due course of time. Here is a pneumonic for VALUE addition for the patient
V- Vision
A- Affordability
L- Laughter
U- Ultimate result
E- Experience
Vision is something from the patient’s perspective as in how important does the patient feel about the treatment after the consultation.
Affordability of the patient is a big criterion in determining the value as if the treatment cost does not match upto the budget then value does not matter.
Laughter in a dental clinic gives you wings as a clinician to build up the rapport and get the confidence of the patient about the humane side of you.
Ultimate result is the bottom line in as it is the actual end product he/ she has come for. Everything else is secondary.
Experience while on board with you and your team is something that the patient will take along while leaving. These positive memories will pave a long way in referring you to the society. So be spot on with this for the surprise referrals that come along.